Nurse Retention Web Links

This page lists several web sites useful for those interested in issues related to nurse retention. Please let us know if you have other web sites to include or if any of the links below is no longer working.

Government Websites

US Department of Health and Human Services Administration

Summarizes the statistics and possible causes behind the nurse workforce.

National Institutes of Nursing Research

Describes research funding by NIH addressing training of nurses.

U.S. General Accounting Office

Details the factors involved with the nursing shortage.

Occupational Information Network (O*NET) Nursing page

Provides up today career information on Registered Nurses and links to related nursing careers.

National Organizations

American Association of Colleges of Nursing

Provides links to several articles that describe the nursing shortage and what is being done to address the issue.

American Nurses Association

Includes several articles pertaining to nurse retention and turnover including the article that is linked which describes the costs and benefits of nurse turnover and retention.

National League of Nursing

Provides links to policy information and research data addressing the nursing shortage.

Robert Wood Johnson Foundation

Supports research studies examining nurse retention.


Northwest Regional Organizations

Northwest Health Foundation

Supported this project! The mission of the Northwest Health Foundation is to advance, support and promote the health of the people of Oregon and southwest Washington.

Oregon Center for Nursing

Description: Provides links to a summary of reports detailing the nursing shortage in Oregon and what is needed to address the issue.

Oregon Leadership Council

Description: This website has a link to a report that describes the goals and solutions being implemented to try to address Oregon’s nursing shortage. 

Oregon Nurses A ssociation

Description: Provides up-to-date information regarding the impact of legislative and organizational policies on nurses.

Oregon State Board of Nursing 

Description: This website has links to organizations that are conducting research focused on the nursing shortage in OregonNorthwest Regional Organizations

Other Resources

US News and World Report - 2011 Best Careers The places with the largest nursing shortages

CNA Career


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